Thursday, November 7, 2013

Theme Thursday: Thumb

Linking up with Cari for today's Theme Thursday which, because you're astute and read the title of the post you know, is thumb.  

Three weeks ago while I was going through the 9,721,895 boxes that are still clogging up the house and driving me crazy I found this picture that I took in 1990 in photography class.  We had to take a series of Black and White photos, develop the film ourselves and make prints.

From L to R: My thumb, My sister Ali, Michelle and Cari
However much I would like to blame age and abuse, I didn't do so well with the developing and printing. Nonetheless it's a great picture of a great time!

Head over to Clan Donaldson for more thumbs than you ever thought you would see in a days time!


  1. That is a GOOD LOOKING bunch of girls. And one hot thumb!

    1. You're right on both counts. And it's the sparkle, sparkle is good. Except in vampires.

  2. I ALWAYS wanted to take a photography class where I'd learn to develop. And by the time I got there they had switched to digital and photo editing. Which granted is a delightful skill to have but still... and I doubt I could even find a class like that anymore just to take.

    1. It was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Other than self-developing, can you even get film developed any more? Not that it matters because my high school (film) Nikon is MIA.

  3. Oooh, I do so miss developing B&W negatives and photos! I won't claim to have been any good, but I had a lot of fun doing it. When I used to plan my dream house, it included a darkroom. :-)

    1. Me too! One of my aunts husband's had boxes and boxes of film developing equipment and gave it to me - but I never had anywhere (dark enough) to do it!

  4. Love looking at black and white photos - reminds me of my high school art class days.

    1. Photography was my senior year art class and somewhere around here there is a whole album of black and white photos that I took. I thought I would be the next Ansel Adams - ha!

  5. Great picture and I had to look twice to find your thumb!

  6. Best picture ever. It could be a 1990 Teen magazine cover.

    1. Thanks and wouldn't that have been a teen dream come true!
