Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Chickens: An Introduction

Since I am mostly lazy and have almost no time fer nothin' cause I'm tryin ta prepare myself for Greece I haven't gotten around to properly introducing Flint & Flavia.  But, I will.  We swears on the the Precious.

Like right after I extinguish the memory card from my camera which I had to set on fire to show it who's boss because it just. stopped. working. The camera won't recognize it, the computer won't recognize it when I put it in the little slot, it just keeps saying ERROR ALLYOURPICTURESARELOSTSUCKER.  And of course I had a gabajillion pictures of the kittens being The Cuteness.

So moving on from that tragedy. I went out to the Prison Yard to visit the chickens today and took my camera, with new memory card inserted, and somehow I took 108 pictures and 2:00 video (?). So I'm going to drag  the introduction of my little flock out painfully slow.  That way you'll get at least eight blog posts out of me!

Y'all meet Emily.  The sweetest chicken around.

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