Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Yep.  That's me.  I would even go so far as to say Super Slacker. 

I work a 40+ hour a week job already and am silly enough to have lost my mind and gotten a part-time job as a knitting intructor.  So, along with all of my holiday knitting I have to have a hat ready for my class in two weeks, then I have to do three projects for my January/February classes... What was I thinking?! Well, other than enticing other folks over to the Dark Side with knitting.  Muwahahaha!

Which is why I haven't been posting.   Anyway, since I am a slacker I am going to share something knitting related that I wrote a while ago for a college class 'cause I ain't got nuttin' else for ya.

Anyway, enjoy my introduction to the knitting world and go out there and learn to knit!

A Chick with Sticks

By Poppy K.
It all starts out innocently enough. You spy a co-worker taking a break in the corner. With her head bent over her work you catch a glimpse of a beautiful green color and a flash of light off the knitting needles. You ask her when she walks past your desk what she was doing. "Knitting" she replies holding up the cutest baby sweater you've ever seen. That, is how an obsession is born.

Of course if you're going to become addicted to any hobby you have to have the right tools for the job. With knitting, in the beginning this is simple enough to accomplish. Later on down the road when the obsession has a firm grasp does it become trickier and costlier. However, to start you need only a few things. You need needles, yarn, patience and a book written for pre-teens on how to knit.

Needles: As a beginner you shouldn't buy the most beautiful pair of Rosewood needles that you have ever seen listed in one of those fancy knitting magazines. Unless of course they're on sale for a great price and you just know you'll be happily knitting with them one day. Your bank account will be happy to know that the cheap metal pair that only cost three dollars is more than adequate. Needles range in size from zero, which are so tiny that I think you may blind yourself if you tried knitting with them, all the way up to a monstrous size 50 that are thicker than a broomstick and somewhat hard to handle. But you can knit up a lap blanket in an afternoon with them! I suggest you grab yourself a nice size 10, 10 1/2 or even 11 to begin your knitting adventure.

Yarn: Here too you can get yourself into quite a pickle. I mean there are just so many colors, materials and textures to choose from! As time progresses, your stash grows and your bank account empties you'll find beautiful silken yarn, yarn made from bamboo, handspun wool, the list goes on and on. But for your first project you should get a cheap, smooth, single light colored yarn. With it you'll be able to see what it is you're doing, how your stitches look and where exactly you made your millionth mistake.

Guide: I can strongly suggest that if you're going to teach yourself to knit that you buy yourself a book that is written for young adults, pre-teens or even toddlers if there is one. These books give you detailed instructions and pictures that are so easy to understand that you'll be knitting in public before you know it. Books geared towards adults use mostly written instruction and horrid sketches to try and help you along, avoid them if you want any hair left at the end of "Lesson 1: Casting On".

Patience: This is the most crucial when learning how to knit. You most assuredly cannot get enough. Be prepared for your first project, which should always be a scarf, to have stitches that are too loose/tight, dropped stitches and wobbly edges. It's normal. It is also normal to donate any firsts to the Humane Society. With enough patience you'll be posting on FaceBook in no time that you're going to try knitting socks!

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