Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Painting Project

Sometimes you just get a bee in your bonnet and you need to some fixin' uppin' around your place.

The half bath on the main floor was just one of the bees in my bonnet and I needed to do something about it.  STAT.

The first thing I did, after two years of living here, was a few weekends ago I got rid of the horrid mini-blinds. We put up some privacy stuff that looks like "stained glass".  It looks great in there, especially in the morning and guess what? I don't have to look at nasty blinds ever again!

Unfortunately for Mr. Wonderful the half bath is "his" and that's the one I decorated in Mermaid's when we bought the house.

Notice the dull, dingy, pale blue of the walls?

Before: Blah.

So, after only minimal pestering on my part Mr. Wonderful and I headed up the our local home improvement store a few weekends ago and there I showed him some of the color cards.

"Which one?" I asked "Because you're the one who has to stare at it the most."

He picked, oddly enough, a paint called Mermaid Song.

I said "Are you suuuuuuuuuuuure?" and he replied "Yep!"

So, I got a gallon of No VOC paint (and tint) in Mermaid Song, located my iPod and I set out to paint the bathroom.

After: A very bright shade of 1950's turquoise

Mr. Wonderful loves it because he says, and I quote, "I love brightly painted rooms." 
This, I did not know about Mr. Wonderful.

Oh, and....
Do you know what I don't own?
A step-ladder.
Notice in the mirror the corner isn't painted and neither is the two inches below the ceiling.

Maybe next weekend.
And then we can replace the floor.
And then we can get a dual flush toilet
And then....

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