Thursday, October 28, 2010

Two words for ya: Worm. Poop.

Last summer I bought on clearance some straggly, mostly dead mums and in my ever optimistic heart planted them in hopes that I wouldn't kill them.  I am not known for my growing prowess nor my ability to keep perfectly healthy plants alive.

The year before I had seen a documentary or a television show where they showcased:  

Last year I was able to buy the fertilizer at my local Target store.  Not so this year. I am going to look into ordering it directly from the website - but I didn't need it this year as evidenced below.

Holy Mums Batman!
They got so gigantic they fell over

And this is just one of the three Mums that I bought.  They've gone bat poop crazy and taken over the front flower bed.  It's okay though. They're pretty.

There are quite a few different companies that sell the worm poop fertilizer out there. 
Or you can have your own worm composting bin. 
This is another thing Mr. Wonderful says no to.

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