Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blurbing: My Noggin - Part 2

I'm kicking butt on my People are Coming Over on Saturday and You Aren't Even Close to Being Ready List!

Both bathrooms are cleaned, dishes set to be washing away (we run the dishwasher in the dead of night), living room dusted and a spattering of gifts wrapped. 

I worked late tonight so Mr. Wonderful had to feed himself.  When I got home I swallowed a can of soup for dinner.  I'm not even sure what kind it was.

Tonight's agenda includes: Blurbing, sewing, wrapping presents, cleaning the rest of the kitchen- in the next two and a half hours.  

Enough blathering onto Blurbing: The Virgo Mind - Deux

That's right.
From the mind that brought you highlighters in a very specific order and other O.C.D'esque oddities that we won't delve in to comes this:

A woman who refuses- r.e.f.u.s.e.s.- to pair socks and whose sock drawer looks like this.

Yup.  Weirdo.

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